Photo Spotlight
By Carlos Ramirez | 7.10.2018
"I think of it as a positive that there are so many photographers out there now."
By Carlos Ramirez | 6.28.2018
"Then in high school I found Trapped Under Ice..."
By Carlos Ramirez | 6.21.2018
"At the age of 11 or 12, I bought Rollins Band’s Life Time album on cassette..."
By Carlos Ramirez | 6.14.2018
Including Gouge Away, Old Wounds, Turnstile, and much more...
By Carlos Ramirez | 6.5.2018
Get to know a hardcore fan who has been shooting bands since the '90s.
By Carlos Ramirez | 5.29.2018
"My favorite bands to shoot are bands that make me feel like I’m going to die during their set."
By Carlos Ramirez | 5.22.2018
A hardcore fan from Iowa picks up a camera to document his scene.
By Carlos Ramirez | 5.16.2018
"I think the toughest part is how many people are shooting now."
By Carlos Ramirez | 5.9.2018
Featuring shots of Division of Mind, True Love, Day By Day, Queensway, and many more hardcore bands.
By Carlos Ramirez | 4.30.2018
Hardcore lifer from Sweden has shot such bands as Infest, 108, and Ecostrike.
By Carlos Ramirez | 4.23.2018
"A large part of photographing hardcore and punk shows is including these crowd pile ups..."
By Carlos Ramirez | 4.18.2018
Featuring shots of American Nightmare, KungFu Rick, Dead to Fall, Burn, and many more bands.
By Carlos Ramirez | 4.13.2018
He's got the underground UK covered.
By Carlos Ramirez | 4.11.2018
Featuring pics of Watain, Drive Like Jehu, Coalesce, Limp Wrist, and other excellent bands.
By Carlos Ramirez | 4.6.2018
Featuring killer pics of Infest, Cold World, Mind Eraser, and many more pop-friendly bands...
By Carlos Ramirez | 3.27.2018
"I don't mind being up front for a show, cuz that's where all the action is."
By Carlos Ramirez | 3.20.2018
Featuring shots of Mortality Rate, Slumlord, Stick to Your Guns, and much more.
By Carlos Ramirez | 3.12.2018
Documenting the New Jersey hardcore scene and beyond.
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